Saturday, March 2, 2019

Research On Drama

  1. Genre
    1. Drama
  2. Genre conventions:
    1. Content
      1. Realistic settings, characters, and stories
      2. Purpose is typically to move the audience emotionally
      3. Conflicts include realistic struggles depicting hardships, difficulty, and pain
      4. A form of realization at the end/happy ending
    2. Production
      1. The use of gestures, objects or persons is needed to showcase the inner meaning that is beyond the literal.
      2. A particular can be used in a scene to represent it’s symbolic strength
      3. Production techniques are based on the concept of the drama
  3. Institutional conventions
    1. Marketing
      1. Trailers introduce conflict but usually don’t reveal full solution
      2. Main characters appear on film posters, talk shows, promotional tours
      3. “Big” celebrities appearing in film help increase anticipation
      4. Quotes from popular critiques embedded within the trailer
  4. Film Sample #1
      1. A Star Is Born is an exceptional example of the drama genre.
      2. The trailer portrays a realistic struggle, alcoholism, but doesn’t reveal what it resulted in.
      3. Throughout parts of the scenes shown, an emotional appeal to the audience is portrayed.
      4. Related imageAs far as production goes, low lighting is used during the dramatic/intense scenes.
      5. Two major celebrities, Lady Gaga and Bradley Cooper, are the main characters with increases audience anticipation.

  5. Film Sample #2
    1. Related image
      1. Bohemian Rhapsody is made up of several elements representing the drama genre.
      2. Although the film is more like a documentary, it contains a realistic struggle as well.
      3. The few conflicts are introduced throughout the trailer but no solution is revealed.
      4. The film is revolved around a famous band from the past, Queen, which increases audience anticipation.

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