Tuesday, February 26, 2019

Conflicted Between Horror and Drama

Finding a topic to indulge in can be quite a challenge at first. My partner and I are torn between drama and horror. We feel like horror may be basic and not stand out as much as a drama film might.

Almost every horror film develops the main conflict between the character(s) and the element meant to scare the audience. If we were to choose this topic, we would probably revolve the film around either a killer or a psycho. Because of this, we would probably need to look into getting a few more actors since neither Rachel or I are very intimidating for the role of a psycho/killer. A lot more production would probably go into this as well. Such as, costumes, low lighting, higher quality camera to be able to shoot in the low lighting, and a creepy setting. All these elements would have to come into play in order to create the best product and I'm not sure if all of those are accessible to us.
Here is a list of the main things that would be necessary in order to create a great horror film opening.
Image result for horror film symbol
Drama, on the other hand, is a little different. In this case, I feel like we can play around with this genre a lot more. Unlike horror, not all drama films are developed the same way. For this production, we probably would need only a few more average actors (which are easier to find), a basic setting based on the idea of the film, not as intense costumes, and less DRAMAtic lighting ;). We started leaning more towards drama because of a project we watched from last year which was a lot 'more engaging and unpredictable than the horror ones we watched. Although there's still some decisions to discuss, I feel like we will end up deciding to base our project around the drama genre.
Image result for drama symbol

 Keep up to date with my blog to discover where this journey takes us :)

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