Friday, March 22, 2019

Main Message Of Our Film

So why did we decide to make this film? I’ve mentioned this before but Rachel and I are both involved in the Deaf community through our sign language class. Since we both figured this out, it’s been a main topic of conversation between us so I felt as if we had to include it in our final film. Every since this concept arose, we’ve been so eager to get to the final product. Our passion makes the process that much easier.

The main message of our film is to raise awareness for the deaf. Deaf people go through many everyday struggles that some people could never imagine. Not only that, they overcome these struggles happily, building relationships with other deaf people all around the world!! So not only do we want to show how hard it can be to become deaf when you once knew what it was like to hear, but we want to portray the idea that these obstacles can be defeated!! Our protagonist starts off building a passion that a deaf person can not really obtain because without being able to smplify sound, the music is much harder to create, if not impossible!! But many people in the past have overcome this struggle, Here Are just a few of them. One of the greatest musicians to ever live, Beethoven was able to continue music without ability to hear, and this is who our protagonist will begin to look up to.

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