Sunday, February 24, 2019

Learning How To Blog

This week in class we learned a few things about blogging...and now I'm here to practice what I learned while sharing some of the tips we were taught!

One major aspect of blogging is DETAIL! Think of a topic you want to share and expand on it. For example, it's easy for someone to write about a book they read, but what makes that post more intriguing is how the book affected them and why the reader should give the book a chance. In this case, I'll be sharing every step of my journey until my final destination...the film opening!

Another important aspect of blogging is IMAGES! These are a great way to keep your audience engaged as well as helping them visualize what you're talking about. Don't be fooled though, an image is nothing without a caption explaining it. Captions are just as important as the image you provide. This helps the reader fully understand what your image is trying to portray, so make sure to include those!

LINKS make your post so much better! Links allow your audience to dive deeper into the topic you're writing about, allow you to add more info into your post, and make your post more understandable if you're referring to a specific website or video. The best way to include links into your post is a hyper link, this is a clickable word which is actually the link you want your audience to visit. This can add a lot more content to a concise post.

Lastly, is having an ORGANIZED blog! What's a blog without organization? Confusing! You want your readers to be able to access your posts easily and quickly so that way they can explore more of your content. This will also make your readers want to visit your page more often since its so easily navigable.

Those were just a few tips and tricks that I will be trying to incorporate throughout my posts and maybe they inspired you to possibly create your own blog!

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All done!

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